Transit Transactions
The Transit Regime is applied to the transportation of goods that are not subject to import duties and trade policy measures, but not in free circulation and whose export customs procedures have been completed, from one point to another within the Customs Territory of Turkey, under customs supervision.
Transit regime; national transit regime, Customs Convention on International Carriage of Goods (TIR Convention) dated 14.11.1975 under the auspices of TIR Carnets, to the Common Transit Regime dated 20/5/1987, which was approved by Law No. 6333 of 22.6.2012 The relevant Agreement is the Temporary Import Agreement dated 26.6.1990 and the Status of Forces dated 19/6/1951; It covers transit transactions within the scope of the Convention between the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty.
Customs administrations, within the Turkish Customs Territory of the goods subject to transit regime;
- From a foreign country to a foreign country,
- From a foreign country to Turkey,
- From Turkey to a foreign country,
- An iç Another interior from the customs administration; The customs administration allows it to be transported.
It is obligatory to provide a guarantee in order to ensure that the customs taxes that may accrue for the transit goods are paid. However; No guarantee is sought for transports made by air, pipeline, rail or sea, except for the cases determined by the regulation.
General regulations regarding the Transit Regime;
- Between Articles 84 and 92 of the Customs Law,
- 212 to 244th of the Customs Regulations; Among the items,
- In the Customs General Communique Serial No.4 (Transit Regime)
- It is included in the Circulars numbered 2012/4 and 2018/19.